오바마 연설문 모음 (5) 썸네일형 리스트형 이라크 진입에 관한 오바마 연설문 번역 이라크 진입에 관한 오바마 연설문 It is a privilege to give this speech at the Council on Foreign Relations here in Chicago. A few months ago, I had the opportunity to visit Walter Reed Army Medical Center. While I was there, I met a young man whose legs had been blown off from mortar fire and who had sustained severe nerve damage in his arms and hands. He was sewing as a means of regaining his small motor ski.. 안보에 관한 버락 오바마 상원의원의 상원 원내 성명 번역 안보에 관한 버락 오바마 상원의원의 상원 원내 성명문 Four years ago, following the most devastating attack in our history, this body passed the USA PATRIOT Act in order to give our nation's law enforcement the tools they need to track down terrorists who plot and lurk within our own borders and all over the world - terrorists who, right now, are looking to exploit weaknesses in our laws and our security to carry out e.. 미래 자원에 관한 오바마 연설문 번역 미래 자원에 관한 오바마 연설문 As the flood waters recede in New Orleans and the survivors of Katrina begin to rebuild their lives, one truth has become achingly clear over the past few weeks: Our government wasn't ready to save its own citizens from a catastrophe of biblical proportions. It wasn't even close. Despite years of planning, preparing, and warnings from countless scientists, experts, and governme.. 카트리나와 걸프전 복구에 관한 오바마 성명문 번역 카트리나와 걸프전 복구에 관한 오바마 성명문 Mr. President, after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, millions of Americans opened their hearts, their homes, and their wallets to help the victims in the Gulf Coast. Even before Katrina’s winds and rains died down, Americans across the country called national hotlines and pledged their hard-earned dollars, their time, and their prayers to the relief effort. But the.. SIUC 농과대학 개교 50주년 기념식 오바마 축하문 번역 SIUC 농과대학 개교 50주년 기념식 오바마 축하문 Thank you. It's always great to be here in Carbondale, and a real honor to speak here at SIUC's first Agriculture Industry Day. Now, I'll be honest - I haven't done all that much farming living on the South Side of Chicago. But I have to say, my fondest farming memory is when I once offered to help out a friend with his harvest. Knowing the full range of my agricult.. 이전 1 다음